Monday 30 November 2009

Mine & Alisha's Continuity Piece

Our coninuity piece was simply a distressed girl telling a boy she's pregnant.

We had to do two coninuity pieces because on our first one we had a gap between shots where the screen just went blank because we watched the movie back before we had finished filming to see how it was going and our match on action wasnt right.

The film was supposed to show character a (Alisha) knocking on the door looking very distressed and then character B (Kieran) answers it. She then walks into the room very upset and then the camera follows them until they both sit down at the table. He keeps asking her whats wrong and she eventually tells him that she's pregnant and passes him a pregnancy test (this is the part where our match on action wasnt correct the first time around).

Making sure the match on action was correct was the most difficult part of filming as i had to keep moving back and forth to other sides of the room, but i think it turned out very good !
I messed the filming up a little bit because when Alisha's got her head on the table the angle of the shot was wrong and you could only see the top of her hair when in the plan the camera was supposed to have her whole head and the table in shot to show she had her table on the head because she was very upset. I moved the camera and it is quite obvious but because we had ruined the filming by watching the piece back last time we didnt watch it back until the end and then we couldnt have changed it.

Apart from that minor problem our conintuity piece is a lot better than our last one and i am very pleased with it :) .

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