Monday 30 November 2009


All films shown in UK movie theatres have to be age certified with either a U, PG, 12A, 15, or 18 rating.

U: The film is restriacted as to what it can show. The movie cant have any violent content as young chilren will be watching and may be disturbed by the content. There cant be any foul language or sex and nudity scenes. It should not be offensive to anyone of any race or culture.

PG: There can be mild scenes of violence in a parental guidance film. Young chilren are suitable to watch the film however a adult must be present in case the child feel uncomfortable.

12A: People 12 years old can watch this film if accompanied by an adult. The film can have some bad language and mild sex and violence references. Drug use is also allowed to be shown in 12A films.

15: This is currently the most popular rating as there is a lot of stuff that can be shown in a 15 rated film. The film can have strong violent and sexual content.

18: Films with an 18 and over age rating dont usually have a much superior status in box office charts because there is only a few people who can watch them because of all the bad content. These films often have rude and offensive content and shcoking gruesome scenes.

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