Monday 30 November 2009

Mine & Alisha's Continuity Piece

Our coninuity piece was simply a distressed girl telling a boy she's pregnant.

We had to do two coninuity pieces because on our first one we had a gap between shots where the screen just went blank because we watched the movie back before we had finished filming to see how it was going and our match on action wasnt right.

The film was supposed to show character a (Alisha) knocking on the door looking very distressed and then character B (Kieran) answers it. She then walks into the room very upset and then the camera follows them until they both sit down at the table. He keeps asking her whats wrong and she eventually tells him that she's pregnant and passes him a pregnancy test (this is the part where our match on action wasnt correct the first time around).

Making sure the match on action was correct was the most difficult part of filming as i had to keep moving back and forth to other sides of the room, but i think it turned out very good !
I messed the filming up a little bit because when Alisha's got her head on the table the angle of the shot was wrong and you could only see the top of her hair when in the plan the camera was supposed to have her whole head and the table in shot to show she had her table on the head because she was very upset. I moved the camera and it is quite obvious but because we had ruined the filming by watching the piece back last time we didnt watch it back until the end and then we couldnt have changed it.

Apart from that minor problem our conintuity piece is a lot better than our last one and i am very pleased with it :) .

More Rom Com Research :)

In 2008 romantic comedies were a big hit in the box office with Mamma Mia breaking records and becoming the highest grossing film of all time in the UK. This makes it evident that romantic comedies are becoming increasingly popular which is good news for my group :)

Popular romantic comedies are usually from the US which brings up the question :
Are rom coms from the UK any good ?
Some of the most famous romantic comedies happen to from the UK including the smash hit Notting Hill which starred Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts two very well known artists notorious for starring in popular rom coms.


All films shown in UK movie theatres have to be age certified with either a U, PG, 12A, 15, or 18 rating.

U: The film is restriacted as to what it can show. The movie cant have any violent content as young chilren will be watching and may be disturbed by the content. There cant be any foul language or sex and nudity scenes. It should not be offensive to anyone of any race or culture.

PG: There can be mild scenes of violence in a parental guidance film. Young chilren are suitable to watch the film however a adult must be present in case the child feel uncomfortable.

12A: People 12 years old can watch this film if accompanied by an adult. The film can have some bad language and mild sex and violence references. Drug use is also allowed to be shown in 12A films.

15: This is currently the most popular rating as there is a lot of stuff that can be shown in a 15 rated film. The film can have strong violent and sexual content.

18: Films with an 18 and over age rating dont usually have a much superior status in box office charts because there is only a few people who can watch them because of all the bad content. These films often have rude and offensive content and shcoking gruesome scenes.

Romantic Comedy Research

Romantic comedies are movies with light-hearted emotion centredaround the idea of 'true love' or 'the perfect couple'. Romantic comedies are a sub-genre of comedy films as well as romance films.
The basic format of a romantic comedy film can be found in much earlier sources such as Shakespears Much Ado About Nothing. The basic plot is, two people meet, usually a man and a woman and then there is some sort of dilemma or obstacle that the couple must overcome if they want to be together. Almost always the couple will end up together in the end, there are few exceptions of this for example in 'My Super Ex Girlfriend' the two main characters are the initial couple but the 'true love' is between the main male character and his colleague. So instead of the main storyplot being centred around the two main characters compatibility and them living happily ever after, it concentrates on how uncompatible they are and him getting away from her.

Through research i have found that the opening sequence of a romantic comedy usually shows the two main characters before the 'meet-cute' (when the two main cahracters first meet and are attracted to one another) to show how miserable they are or to show there is something missing in their life but when the 'meet-cute' occurs it highlights how goo for each other they are and then the audience are rooting for the couple.
In the 'meet cute' the two characters are usually involved in am embarassing situation or an initial clash of personaility or beliefs. If one or both of the two characters are already attatched the writers leave clues throughtout the film to suggest that the two characters should be together (in the wedding planner, Matthew McGonahey saves Jennifer Lopez from a rolling rubbish bin and then they go on to start to really like each other then she finds out hes married). Similiarly if the two characters dont like each other in the beginning the writer must leave clues to show that they will inevitably end up together (What Happens In Vegas is an example of this).

Other Examples Of 'Meet Cutes:
. It Happened One Night throws away runaway heiress Ellie and world weary reporter Peter together in a dispute over the last seat on a bus.
.Sining In The Rain, the main character is trying to escape fans and find himself in the future love interests convertible
. Notting Hill see's High Grant accidentally spill orang juice over Julia Roberts which leads them into a conversation.

The dilemma in a rom com is usually something to do with the potential couple being of different temperaments or situations. The situation is usually overcome by one of the characters making a big display of his or her affection (America's Sweethearts when Cameron Diaz & Christina Applegate turn up at her love interests wedding). The character is usually trying to win or win back the affection of the other. The dilemma oesnt usually happen until over halfway through the film however the audience should know about the problem while it is uner the surface before the other characters know to create some anticipation of whats going to happen when all is revealed.

The attraction between the two characters must be extablished fairly quickly to avoid boring the auience and the auience should be able to identify with the main characters desire for one another without that the audience will not only lose interest but they will lose sympathy for the characters whihc makes the story irrelevant because the audeience wont care enough to be interested right until the end of the film.

Apart from the two main characters theres usually a best friend of sidekick to the main characters, this character is usually funny and carefree and gives the character love advice. There is also usually a nemesis to the main character who is standing between the two who are in love wether they are aware of it or not (Cameron Diaz in My Best Friends Wedding).

Even though the situation is humorous to the viewers the characters in the film must not fin it amusing. They are supposed to be esperatly in love and it needs to be believeable to the audience!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Making The First Video Thing :S

When filming our short piece me and alisha had a bit off difficualty trying to figure out how we would film the whole sequence because there was only two of us and we neeed two people in the sequence and one behind the camera. eventually we figured it out and found some other people in our class who were willing to act for us.
we managed to film the whole film without much difficulty, we found setting up the shots, figuring out how to change things in a shot (that didnt make sense) and directing the actors fairly easy and enjoyed amking the film.
however because we watche the film back during filming there is a gap between scenes.