Friday 5 March 2010

Evaluation Of Final Product.

Our media product follows most conventions of a romantic comedy. We used upbeat music which is typical for a romantic comedy however we planned to change the scenes of the main character getting ready so that the shots matched with the rhythm of the music. We didnt get round to doing this however we managed to get the music to match our shots in other ways. We also had planned to introduce the male character in the opening sequence aswell which we also didnt do because we couldnt find a male character but again we worked around it and found another way to make it clear that there was a male character in the film he just wasnt being shown & we think that it works better than howactually having a male character there would have.
In the film the girl is geeky, shy not very popular, which is a typical character for a school based romantic comedy.
Our target audience is 15-21 year olds and is more aimed at women than men. It is aimed at all ethnicities however even thought there would be no sexual scenes in the film there may be kissing and that might not be accpetable to some cultures.
We attracted the audeince by using a real life situation. The beginning of the film shows that the character is a very average girl, it is just a normal day for most teenagers. Waking up , getting ready coming to college etc.
From the contruction of our film i have learnt a few things about technology, i learnt how to edit and add in effects and sound. Ive also learnt that while editing and filming you need to be in control and conifident otherwise things will get messed up or youl lose track.
I also learnt that working in a group isnt always the best options, although the workload is easily spread out other members of the team can let the whole group down and everyone would fall behind with their work. Also while working with friends its easy to get ddistracted.
Being the only person filming in my group i can now handle a camera a lot better then i could before.

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