Friday 5 March 2010

Audience response...

The audiences response to our film was quite postitive and me and the rest of my group were very pleased with the feedback. Most people said that the way we followed the codes and conventions was either excellent or good and that our final product showed high imagination and creative flair. We also had good feedback on a; the the technica aspects of the piece, apart from the fonts and texts. When asked how we could improve our film most of the audience said we should have used dialogue and better fonts. However i disagree with the audience saying we should have used dialogue as many romantic comedies start with no dialogue. The audience also said the examples of our film following codes and conventions were the upbeat musci we used, the use of young people as rom coms rarely use old people, the picture of the ryoung boy at the end of the opening, the daily routine and the stereotypical girl.

Evaluation Of Final Product.

Our media product follows most conventions of a romantic comedy. We used upbeat music which is typical for a romantic comedy however we planned to change the scenes of the main character getting ready so that the shots matched with the rhythm of the music. We didnt get round to doing this however we managed to get the music to match our shots in other ways. We also had planned to introduce the male character in the opening sequence aswell which we also didnt do because we couldnt find a male character but again we worked around it and found another way to make it clear that there was a male character in the film he just wasnt being shown & we think that it works better than howactually having a male character there would have.
In the film the girl is geeky, shy not very popular, which is a typical character for a school based romantic comedy.
Our target audience is 15-21 year olds and is more aimed at women than men. It is aimed at all ethnicities however even thought there would be no sexual scenes in the film there may be kissing and that might not be accpetable to some cultures.
We attracted the audeince by using a real life situation. The beginning of the film shows that the character is a very average girl, it is just a normal day for most teenagers. Waking up , getting ready coming to college etc.
From the contruction of our film i have learnt a few things about technology, i learnt how to edit and add in effects and sound. Ive also learnt that while editing and filming you need to be in control and conifident otherwise things will get messed up or youl lose track.
I also learnt that working in a group isnt always the best options, although the workload is easily spread out other members of the team can let the whole group down and everyone would fall behind with their work. Also while working with friends its easy to get ddistracted.
Being the only person filming in my group i can now handle a camera a lot better then i could before.

Monday 25 January 2010

Filming .

My group is behind the rest of the class because we havent started filming yet . We took a camera and tripod home to start filming and had everything set up and the actors waiting, but when we went to put the camera on the tripod we noticed that the black thing that the camera needs to be attached to had been left out of the bag. My teacher said this is because the college no longer had someone that checks them when they come back. Scince then we havent had time to start recording our film, however we have found new actors and wil DEFINETLY be filming this wednesday so we can catch up with the class !

Monday 11 January 2010

This film is set in a university.The film begins with a geeky unattractive girl called Jada who idolises the popular boy Maison and thinks he is just perfect. She lives a normal life but the other students at her Uni don't agree with that they think she's 'Weird'. She cant believe her luck when Maison asks her out on a date one day, she's over the moon and she spends all her time getting dolled up for the night she had been dreaming about since she set eyes on him. Disaster strikes when she ends up waiting out in the rain for him until realising he stood her up and never really intended on meeting her - it was all a dare. This is were her best friend Ja'el comes in, he's just as down to earth as Jada is so there really good friends. He vows to make Maison pay for humilliating his best friend! He comes up with an idea to completly change her from a ugly duckling to a swan then make Maison fall in love with her then turn everyone against him! At first she disagrees, but Ja'el encourages her change her mind. When she turns beautiful everyone begins to like her and treat her like a normal person. She creates roumors and humilliates Maison in the most horrible ways, all of his friends loose respect for him and he turns into the loser that Jada once was! she turns popular and has the whole uni wrapped around her little finger. But along the way she turns into someone completly different from who she was before, she turns into the women version of Maison! Soon everyone starts to notice how shes changed and makes her no about it, she falls out with her best friend and realises that she needs him, she changes her ways and she tries to get back to normal, even though who she become will always be inside of her. This makes a dramatic effect on how the rest of the college treat her because she is a completly different person. In the end everyone starts to get along!


Jada Saint 18Attends Birmingham Uni Studying Music, Art, History and PhilsophyShe Listens to Classical old music. She's a typical teachers pet who loves to draw and listen to classical music. she is targeted for her long gressy hair her glasses and her dress sense.

Maison James 19
Also attends Birmingham Uni Studying Sport scienceHe listens to RnB, Hip Hop, Rock and Slow jams. His a Handsome popular funny guy, every girl wants him and every boy wants to be like him. the teachers also love his classy dress sense his cheeky smile and his love for sport.

Jo'el Simpson
Also attends Birmingham Uni studying Art, Fashion & DramaHe loves every type of music and is easy to get along with, the other students take the mick because they think he's gay which really affends him because he isnt. He has alot more friends than Jada, but he chooses to stay with her and be her best friend because they get along so well.In his spare time he chooses to shop and hang out with friends because he is very sociable.


We had to write a questionaire to find out information on our chosen drama, we asked 25 people between the ages of 15 and 25. while we was doing the questionaire we noticed that there wasn't alot of 22-25 years olds to ask, so we thought we'd change the age to 15-21 instead. This will help us so that we know what to put into our film :)
Media Questionnaire

What gender are you?

Please circle oneMALE FEMALE

Are you between the ages of:15-17 18-21 22-25 please circle one

What is your favourite romantic Comedy?

How often do you watch Romantic Comedies?

What type of characters would you like to see in a Romantic Comedy?

What type of setting would you expect to see in a Romantic Comedy?

What type of Music would you hear in the opening of a Romantic Comedy?

If there’s something you don’t like about Romantic Comedies please write them Here:

Is there anything else you would expect to see in a Romantic Comedy?

If So, What is it?

Finally…Thank you for using your time to take this questionnaire, is it 100% confidential and will only be used for information on our project!Thank You!Alisha & Pooja =]

By doing this questionaire we found out that most people loved pretty women and 50 First dates, we used this in out film because of the complete opposites that you get in Pretty women.we also found out that most people would prefer to see young people in Rom Com's because they can relate to them in real life.There were alot of different settings that people wrote down, some were in a Bar, some in resturants but the most popular was school/college/University so that is were our films going to be set.Music wise there were alot of different types also, Romantic came up alot of times but it wasnt specific enough, some peole wrote RnB and classical so we thought we'd mix the two to show the differences between the characters in our opening piece.Alot of people said that they dont like the fact that Romantic Comedies always end the same, they said it's to predictable, so with our film we chose to end it abit different, this might be going against the conventions but we have a certain way to pull it off.

Storyboard For Continuing Piece