Friday 30 October 2009

Media Half Term Homework :)

The genre my group have decide to work on is romantic comedies, i have analysed 3 films of this genre an one thriller. I chose to analyse the films 27 Dresses, 50 First Dates, The Wedding Singer & Phonebooth. This is what i found ...

27 Dresses
The film started with a close up of a bench in a church as the camera moves out creating a bigger shot it becomes evident that it is a bench in a church on someones wedding day, there is non iagetic sound, viloins playing an there is also diagetic sound , the people chatting and laughing.. The shot shows a lot of people all mingling and then the camera i on a young girl all on her own just watching everyone, its a medium close up. The camera switches between shots of the young girl an shots of the whole wedding and people running around being busy getting ready. There is then a long shot of the girl trying to find her way through all of the people, eventually she reaches a man and speaks to him and takes over tieing up her little sisters hair bow, there is then a close up of the dads face which shows hes sad. the shot then switches to a medium long shot of the young girl looking in the mirror playing with her dress. there is then a close up of the young girls face whilst shes holing the brides train, the shot then fades into a close up of the actress in the present day the shot moves out to how mthe whole scene.
There was invisible editing throughout the whole opening sequence except for the fade into the initial shot of the bench and the ending shot of the young girls face.
The only visual images in the sequence was when the name of the film appeared on the screen, the font was floaty, feminine, bright and joined together.
The narrative was:
The young girl didnt like weddings and was just walking through the wedding and sees her father, who is struggling with the bow on his youngest daughters head so she takes over, the father looks sad and the narrator explains that his wife and the girls mother had died and their father was in a bad way. The narrator is looking at herself in the mirror when the bride bursts in and is ibviously upset because shes ripped her dress, the young girl then fixes the tear using the bow, saves the day and proceeds to hol the brides train whilst she walks down the aisle. When it switches to present day the woman who is the narrator in the beginning is in a wedding dress- the immediate assumption is that it is her wedding dress but then a phone call comes and the auience realises that it isnt her wedding and she is just trying the ress for someone else, the real bride- who couldnt make it and they were conveniently the same size.
The audio in the sequence was mainly non- diagetic as the girl speaking over the sequence was narrating all of the events which made it obvious it was a flashback. The violins were non diagetic as there were none showed being played. The diagetic sound was of people talking. laughing and taking pictures.

50 First Dates
The film starts off with hawaiian music and the opening shot is of a beach the camera then beings moving slowly to the right and the picture fades into the image of a pineapple on a kitchen counter. Then there is a medium long shot of two women speaking about one of the womens holiday in hawaii. The camera then begins to flick back and forwards between around four different women who are all finishing each otheres sentences but obviously dont know each other as the settings around all of them are completely different. The camera then moves to a girl who wasnt part of the jump cuts and after all of the other women have said the name of the man they were talking about (they were all talking about the same man) she says his name but then asks him a question which makes it clear to the audience that she is with him. The camera then jumos to a medium close up of the man.
The narrative presented in this sequence is obviously based on 'Henrey Roth' and shopws that hes got a reputation for being a player and has messed around with loads of girls. This makes the auience want to know whats so special about him.
The auio in this sequence was diagetic in some parts and non diagetic in others. The begining shot with the hawaiin music was non diagetic and after the music fades into the womens conversations all the soun is diagetic and is either, cars beeping, win howling, water running etc.
The only visual image was of the title, it had used a very bright block font.

The Wedding Singer
The film began with blue font with a black background. The letters had starts on the ends of them to create the feeling of celebrities glitz and glamour. There is uptempo music playing and the first shot is of people ancing in a wedding, there are a mix iof close ups of people acing and long shots of many people dancing. The cuts are short and snappy, the camera keeps switching and between the cuts the shot goes back to the original screen of balck with blue writing and the actor producers and directors anmes are there. The shots then switch to the singer instead of the people dancing the camera is tilted slightly upwards to show that he is on a stage and higher than everyone else.
The sequence uses only diagetic sound of people chatting and wedding music.

The film begins with the sound of a choir singing and the image of rushing through clouds then font beings to appear and its igital looking font. After rushing throught the cliuds the shot appears to be in space there are satellitea are around the camera then beings to move rapidly towards earth and shows the inside of a mobile fone and the shot emerges froma guys cell phone, after that there is a long shot of the city and the camera rushing towards it, there are many close ups of phones and medoium close ups of danergous things such as drugs guns and people who looks like criminals. The shots are short and snappy, ont stay on one person for too long , so none of them are main characters. There is non iagetic soun and iagetic sound palkyed throughtout the digital sounds are dialling tones an ringing where non diagetic but the car horns and conversations in the city were diagrtic.

1 comment:

  1. this is good work, Pooja. Remember to comment on WHY shots have been chosen and what meaning has been created as a result. Also, watch your spelling - some basic errors in there that spoil it!!
